
The offer of locations and possibilities of investment in industry in the town district of Považská Bystrica

Description and technical specifications

Dear ladies and gentlemen!

Would you please allow us to offer you this document to give you information about suitable locations for placing enterprising projects and give you a brief picture of the town of Považská Bystrica, its policy in developing the spheres of social and economic life.

I. Town characteristics

The history of the town goes back to the year of 1330 according to the first written official documents. The town was founded next to an old business route in the Váh valley. But the archeological discoveries of the Púchov and Lužice cultures and Veľká Morava Slave colony in the district prove that the first people settled here a much sooner.

Považská Bystrica is a district town which belongs to the Trenčín county. It has approximately 43 000 inhabitants and 12 town parts: Podmanín, Praznov, Zemiansky Kvášov, Považské Podhradie, Orlové, Šebešťanova, Podvažie, Dolný and Horný Milochov, Dolný and Horný Moštenec and Považská Teplá.

The town itself takes an area of 89,49 square kilometers. It is situated with a beautiful scenario in the valley between the Javorníky mountains, Strážovské mountains and White Karpaty with the river Váh running through it. This creates a beatiful view, undisturbed by the town’s architecture.

Demographic structure of the population

The number of citizens on the 1st of January 2003 was 43 056 (51,42 % women, 48,58% men), while approximately 82,3 % of them live in the town itself. 18 % are young people that are studying or preparing for their future jobs, 66% people are working and the rest (16%) are senior citizens.

Educational system

There are 10 elementary schools in the town area. They are attended by approximately 5935 students (aged 6-15). The secondary schools are as follows: Grammar school (125 graduates a year), Business academy (140 graduates), Technical high school (125 graduates), Secondary nurse school (35 graduates), a Specialized construction high school (90 graduates) and Specialized mechanical engineering high school (150 graduates).

The college of transport and communication in Žilina has its accelerated course in production management available here.


The reconstruction of the Slovak economy after 1989 lead to the closing of special production and agricultural collective farms. It affected the employment and economic conditions in our town and district.

We can say that in spite of the recent production decrease in Považské strojárne, which fell victim to the mentioned circumstances, a solid fundament for development of small and middle enterprises was built. The leading industries are light machinery engineering, construction, transport and textile industries. The terciar sphere is developing as well, it is represented mostly by small tradesmen, small and middle bussinesses.

The unemployment rate is decreasing in the district as well. It was only 15,52 % on the 1st of January 2003, which is lower than the national average.

II. The policy of self-governing Town Council of Považská Bystrica in the areas of
economic and social development

After the precinct election in 1994 the representatives of the town council changed the approach to the issues of social and economic life. The town started to take advantages of the market economy while realising its own position on the market and respecting its social purpose.

Affirmative action has been taken concerning the tax policy, environment, construction and reconstruction of town, welfare, social and dwelling policy, transformation of the cultural and social spheres, as well as creating suitable environment which would support the market development and employment.

The well ballanced town budget was increased by 76 % more than in 1994. The solvency and the way of redistribution of investments tell show a healthy economy, professionality and ability of the town leaders to see the priorities and be able to think rationally.

It is neccessary to mention that the increase of the town budget is not a result of the town’s tax policy, because Považská Bystrica is one of the few Slovak cities where the tax rate is close to the 45 % limit passed by a state law. This allows the businessmen, especially the beginners to find their position on the market and on the other hand it allows the strong enterprises to invest.

The town representatives are accessible to negotiations about creating specific conditions for investment intentions. These are very important for the town from the employment and increase of the living standard points of view. For example the town can freed a businessman from taxes for certain period. Or, in case of a yard sale which is owned by the town, the town can offer a bargain price (eventually a free of charge ownership transfer). The town can mediate the gain of a yard which is owned by other people, towns, or corporations by accepting new employees and communicate with institutions that are involved.

This document contains a list of locations and possibilities of placing light industry in the district of Považská Bystrica with definitions of the selected area, transport possibilities, existing communication network, ownership and judicial details.

The substructures for choosing the location of
Považská Bystrica - Považská Teplá


1. 1. Road transportation

The state route of the 1st class I/61 is in the vicinity of the suggested area. The planned highway D1 will go between the river Váh and the Váh derivative canal. The highway will link it to the state route I/61 in the vicinity of the village Vrtižer approximately 2 km far from the suggested location. The highway is planned to be built until the year of 2010.

1. 2. Railway traffic

In the close vicinity of the location a railroad track from Bratislava to Žilina is situated. Považská Teplá has its own railway station with an unutilized forking trackage.

1. 3. River transportation

A commercial and industrial harbour is planned to be built in Trenčín precinct with a capacity of 8000 tons yearly. The possibility of turning the Váh canal into a river road is also planned.

The location is 5,9 km from the planned harbour.

1. 4. Air transportation

Airport Žilina - Hričov is approximately 20 km from the location.

Airport Trenčín is 50 km far.

1. 5. Bus service

The location of Považská Teplá has its own mass bus transportation.

2. LOT

The area of the usable lot is at least 100 000 m2. The lot is situated between the railroad track from Bratislava to Žilina and the state route I/61.

The lot has an even surface, it is vacant, used mostly for agricultural purposes and a small part is taken by a soccer field. The lot is arable land. It is owned by individuals.

3. The location of the lot

3. 1. Urban embodiment of the lot

The transportation of the employees will be secured by the mass bus transportation, eventually by the railroad. The location is approximately 4 km far from the Považská Bystrica town centre. The town of Považská Bystrica and adjacent suburbs have 43,056 inhabitants. The unemployment rate is 15,52 %. Považská Teplá has 1,410 inhabitants.

4. Engineering networks

4. 1. Gas

Považská Teplá has a network of gas conduits. The location has both high pressure and middle pressure gas lines.

4. 2. Electricity

High voltage line is located in the vicinity of the railway station in Považská Teplá.

4. 3. Water

In Považská Teplá the main water supply for the town of Považská Bystrica is situated.

4. 4. Sewerage

To solve the sewerage problem a small sewage disposal plant has to be built at low investment costs.

4. 5. Telecommunication network

The telecommunication network is established in the location. The location doesn’t need any engineering networks to be relocated.

5. Utilization

According to the town planning scheme the lot is between the state route I/61 and the railroad track. It is used for agricultural purposes and it is vacant. The construction will be regulated according to the adaptation of the town planning scheme (number of floors, covered territory, transportation).

6. Ownership relations

The lot is owned by individuals. Their names are known. There are no other buildings or objects on the lot (except for the soccer field). The lot is used for agricultural purposes.

7. Grant

The town of Považská Bystrica will grant a tax deduction on immovables during the construction period and a tax deduction on buildings and lots for a period of 5 years.

The grant for creating new jobs can be negotiated with the local authorities.

8. Sale

The lot is owned by individuals. The town is capable of arranging the lot sale, eventually participating in negotiations between the owners and buyers of the lots.

9. Remark

In the area of Považské strojárne are several unutilized objects - production halls. Their utilization can be agreed between the responsible employees of the corporation.


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The substructures for choosing the location of
Považská Bystrica - Považské Podhradie


1. 1. Road transportation

The state route II/507 Púchov - Bytča - Žilina is on the right side of the area reserved a for agricultural enterprises.

The area can also be accessed by the 2nd class state road: Považská Bystrica - Bytča - Žilina. It is approximately 400 metres from the route II/507. In distance of 4,5 km the route II/507 links it to state route I/61 Trenčín - Žilina.

The location is not situated in the reserved area for the planned highway D1 which will go through the district of Považská Bystrica in the future.

1. 2. Railway traffic

The railroad from Bratislava to Žilina goes through the town of Považská Bystrica in a distance of approximately 4,2 km from the location of Považské Podhradie.

1. 3. River transportation

A commercial and industrial harbour is planned to be built in Trenčín precinct with a capacity of 8000 tons yearly. The possibility of turning the Váh canal into a river road is also planned. The location is 3,5 km from the planned harbour.

1. 4. Air transportation

Airport Žilina - Hričov is approximately 20 km from the location.

Airport Trenčín is 50 km far.

1. 5. Bus service

The location reserved for the lots for agricultural enterprises is accessible by the town’s mass bus transportation (MHD).

2. LOT

The area reserved in the district plan for agricultural enterprises is on the right side of

the state route II/507 - Považská Bystrica - Bytča - Žilina, in the village of Považské Podhradie, next to an existing agricultural collective farm. It has a total area of 8 ha.

The lot has an even surface, it is vacant, partially used for agricultural purposes and partially for other commercial activities. It is registered as “covered and other area” which is situated outside the village buildings and constructions.

The western part of the lot borders on forest, the eastern side on state road, the southern part on hill with the ruins of Považská Bystrica castle and there is arable land in the northern side. Another agricultural collective farm is situated 1 km from the location.

3. The location of the lot

3. 1. Urban embodiment of the lot

The location is situated in the northern part of Považské Podhradie. It borders on forrest in the west, a state road in the east, a hill with the ruins of Považská Bystrica castle in the south and arable land in the north.

The location is 4,5 km from the town centre as well as from the state route I/61. The railway station in Považská Bystrica is 4,2 km away. The planned harbour will be in a distance of 3,5 km.

With respect to the very close distance to the Váh derivative canal and the Váh stream the lot has a high water table.

The local part of Považské Podhradie has 846 inhabitants. The town of Považská Bystrica and adjacent suburbs have 43,056 inhabitants.

4. Engineering networks

4. 1. Gas

Považské Podhradie has a network of gas conduits. The installation of gas networks in Šebešťanová and Podvažie is planned. The location has both high pressure and middle pressure gas lines.

4. 2. Electricity

A high voltage line is located in the former agricultural collective farm area.

4. 3. Water

Považské Podhradie has a water main from Považská Bystrica’s water supplies.

4. 4. Sewerage

To solve the sewerage problem a small sewage disposal plant has to be built at low investment costs.

4. 5. Telecommunication network

The location has its own telecommunication network. However, the location needs the high voltage line to be relocated.

5. Utilization

The construction of an area of light industry is possible after elaborating and confirming of the construction project with the Town agency for urban landscaping. The adaptation of the town planning scheme will determinate the conditions for the construction (number of floors, covered territory, transportation, public structures).

6. Ownership relations

The lots are mostly private. There are few agricultural farms. The surrounding lots are used for agricultural purposes.

7. Grant

The town of Považská Bystrica can grant a tax deduction on immovables during the construction period and a tax deduction on buildings and lots for a period of 5 years.

8. Sale

The lots are not owned by the town of Považská Bystrica. However, the town is capable of arranging the lot sale, eventually participating in negotiations between the owners and buyers of the lots.


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The substructures for choosing the location of
Považská Bystrica - Kvášovský dvor


1.1. Road transportation

The state route II/517 Považská Bystrica - Rajec is on the right side of the suggested area reserved for construction of residential buildings.

The area is linked to the state road of the 3rd class Považská Bystrica - Podmanín. It is approximately 400 m from the state road II/517. Approximately 3,6 km further, the state road II/507 links it to the state route I/61 Trenčín - Žilina.

Location is not situated in the reserved area for the planned highway D1 which will go through the district of Považská Bystrica in the future. The highway is planned to be built until the year of 2010.

1.2. Railway traffic

In a distance of approximately 4,5 km from the location a railroad track from Bratislava to Žilina is situated. Považská Bystrica has its own railway station with a forking trackage.

1.3. River transportation

A commercial and industrial harbour is planned to be built in Trenčín precinct with a capacity of 8000 tons yearly. The possibility of turning the Váh canal into a river road is also planned.

The location is 6,5 km from the planned harbour.

1.4. Air transportation

Airport Žilina - Hričov is approximately 20 km from the location.

Airport Trenčín is 50 km far.

1.5. Bus service

The location is accessible by the means of mass bus transportation.

2. LOT

The area reserved in the district plan for the construction of residential buildings is on the left side of the state route II/517 Považská Bystrica - Rajec, in close vicinity of the place for separation of communal waste and the SNP boiler. It has a total area of approximately 8 ha. The neighbouring area reserved for further residential buildings construction has approximately 24 ha.

The lot has an even grassy surface, it is vacant and it is partially used for agricultural purposes. It is registered as “agricultural land outside of the covered part of the town”.

The western part of the lot borders on a broken ground next to the state road to Podmanín. There is the habitation SNP behind the broken ground.

3. The location of the lot

3. 1. Urban embodiment of the lot

The location is situated in the eastern peripheral part of the town of Považská Bystrica. It borders on state road in the west, Domanižanka river in the south and a forrest and broken ground in the eastern and northern side. Above the broken ground a construction of IBV and KBV is planned.

The location is 3,6 km distant from the town centre as well as from the state route I/61. The railway station in Považská Bystrica is 4,5 km far. The planned harbour will be in a distance of 4,8 km.

With respect to the very close distance to the river Domanižanka the lot has a high water table and is often flooded.

The habitation SNP and Zakvášov has 7,294 inhabitants. The town of Považská Bystrica and adjacent suburbs have 43,056 inhabitants.

4. Engineering networks

4. 1. Gas

The habitation SNP has a network of gas conduits. The establishment of gas conduits in Podmanín is worked out. The location has both high and middle pressure gas lines.

4. 2. Electricity

A high voltage line is located in the SNP boiler area.

4. 3. Water

The habitation SNP has a water main from Považská Bystrica’s water supplies.

4. 4. Sewerage

The SNP habitation has a network of canals. A sewage disposal plant is situated in Orlové.

4. 5. Telecommunication network

The telecommunication network is established in the location. The location needs the high voltage line to be relocated. No other necessary changes are known.

5. Utilization

Construction of an area for light industry is possible after elaborating and confirming the construction project with the Town agency for urban landscaping. The adaptation of the town planning scheme will determinate the conditions for the construction (number of floors, covered territory, transportation, public structures).

6. Ownership relations

The lots are mostly private. There are no other objects on the lots. The lots are used for agricultural purposes.

7. Grant

The town of Považská Bystrica can grant a tax deduction on immovables during the construction period and a tax deduction on buildings and lots for a period of 5 years.

8. Sale

The lots are not owned by the town of Považská Bystrica. The town is capable of arranging the lot sale, eventually participating in negotiations between the owners and buyers of the lots.


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  • Cadastral map
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